Personal, Customized, and Practical Retirement Strategies

Where are you on your retirement journey?

I’m in the midst of my career

and looking for investment guidance.

I’m nearing retirement

and need to plan for the next stage of my life.

I’m in retirement

want to get the most value out of my investments.
Our mission at Locher Financial is to help those nearing and in retirement who work in the federal and local government arena better understand and potentially maximize their benefits and retirement. We work to help ensure our clients are comfortable with their retirement by creating customized income plans based on their priorities for income, accumulation, health care, family, access to money, and legacy.

Retirement Solutions for Federal Employees

At Locher Financial, we focus on serving our country’s federal employees to find retirement strategies and products that work toward their retirement goals while benefiting from specific programs designed for federal retirees. Continue reading to discover how we can help.

Read Our Forbes Article


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Elderly couple embracing in autumn park

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